Bandit Wings - ReadMe File

Author: Ethan Coffin-McKibben

Modified: 2024-12-13

1. What are the controls to your game? How do we play?

  Q - Yaw Left
E - Yaw Right
W - Pitch Down
A - Roll Left
S - Pitch Up
D - Roll Right
Left Shift - Increase Throttle
Left Ctrl - Decrease Throttle
Mouse - Smooth Movement
Left Click - Fire guns (only on P-36G)
R - Reload
Z - Zoom

2. What creative additions did you make? How can we find them?

  This doesn't really make much sense. Everything in this game is a creative addition

3. Any assets used that you didn't create yourself? This mouse flight system isn't mine. Everything else is. Actually that's false. My cousins made The Pit map while we were messing around with Blender's landscape tool while they were visiting me on Thanksgiving. I won't put their names here as of right now because I don't know if they want to be credited by their actual names online. I'll update this if they give me permission to name them.

4. Did you receive help from anyone outside this class or from anyone in this class that is not in a group with you?

  Nope. False, technically. As mentioned above, my cousins helped make one of the maps.

5. Did you get help from any AI Code Assistants?

  Absolutely not. I may be bad at programming but at least I don't suck at it enough to have to resort to using AI to get it done.

6. Did you get help from any online websites, videos, or tutorials? I got the mouse flight system from here. I think I modified it a tad bit though.
I also used the Unity Documentation a LOT. Like a LOT a LOT.

7. What trouble did you have with this project?

  Everything. Physics are hard apparently. So is math. I had fun though because I got to stare at some of my favorite planes while troubleshooting which made things not feel as horrible. The art was easy though because I'm good at 3D art.

8. Is there anything else we should know?

  I wasn't fully able to get this game done thanks to the 4 other projects I had to do which lost me about 3 weeks of potential work time. If I had 3-4 more days, I could get this game done to the degree I wanted. Also, the preflight menu had 5 additional settings (they'll get added back to the game) but I had to temporarily make them invisible because I changed the way player aircraft are put into game scenes through the preflight menu and it broke most of them. It just requires me to include more object references and figure out type conversions between, for example, a GameObject and a TMP_Text object. 


BanditWings-WebGL-EthanCoffinMcKibben - 66 MB

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